I've got some things to do this week to prepare and perhaps you can help me out. I haven't quite decided what I want to pace out at this weekend, but I'm thinking a 9 min/mile. I want to save my PR for the Lincoln Marathon which is 8:30 min/mile. So, do you have any suggestions to add to my playlist to pace me at a 9 min/mile??
Some tunes already in my 1/2 Marathon Playlist are:
Lose Yourself
Jai Ho
Love Lockdown
Today's workout: 1250 yd swim, 45 min spin, 3 mile run, abs, weights.
Now that is a great workout for the day. You are the master at time managment.
congrats on getting registered, and the blogger meet-up will be fun!
Good luck in the race, I must be getting old I only listen to running/triathlon podcast's when I run.
Good luck with the race this weekend! I'm not much help in tune selection. I never use an Ipod during a race. Too distracting for me.
Hey...if you're not coming in til around 8...were you going to plan on sticking around after the half marathon or were we all going to meet race morning?
Hooray! :) Blogger races are always super fun
While I am such a huge disco momma, I gotta share that "rock the cradle of love" by Billy Idol is a good one for a faster pace. Then again, don't forget I run at a pace of around 11ish!!
Have a great time!
I feel myself healing every moment and can't wait to put Billy Idol to work for me!
Super jealous.. wish I were going to be running with some blogger buddies. Have fun and good luck.
yay for getting registered and for an upcoming bloggy meetup
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