I'm on a Zinger kick for some reason and my knees are hurting me for some reason. A couple months ago I got into a local bootcamp and was also doing some Fusion (kickboxing). The workouts were awesome, but heck on my knees. After about 3 weeks I stopped going. Since then, my running hasn't been the same. I can go knock out some shorter runs and some days are better than others, but today was not one of those days.
Currently, I have arthritis in my right knee, and have experienced some pain due to IT Band Sydrome and Patella Femoral pain. Adding cycling to my exercise routine has helped strengthen my legs and minimize the ickiness I was feeling in my knee. I was having fun with my runs and knocking out some good times.
Now I have extreme pain in my left knee. I cut a 12 mile run today to 6 because I didn't want to make the problem any worse. So, this week, I'm headed to see an orthopedic. Yeah! So we'll see what they say. I want this to be over cause I want to run! run! run!
Have a great week blogger peeps! and go get yourself a Zinger.