I shopped both stores several times for the "perfect bike". Test drove them, but when the moment of purchase came a few weeks later, let's just say Jim's competitor won out. So sorry Jim. I know you did not like hearing that, but as a business owner, I thought you should know. As a tag on, I did not let my one experience stop me from patronizing his store. I have bought several items there, including a bike for my child, had my yearly bike tuned up there and have been completely satisifed with all aspects of his store and staff since then.
Nonetheless, Jim has offered me a FREE bike-tune up! I'm totally going to take you up on that. Jim has also asked me to organize a weekly ride from his location in Lincoln. You bet I will! I have been ride organizer of the peeps I ride with, we will just change our meeting location. This will also offer others who purchase bikes the opportunity to be a part of a group ride that leaves no rider left behind. We ride. We ride seriously, but we have fun and we are not out training for the weekend crits and TT. Our group, which does not have a name yet, (Top Shelf has been thrown out there) welcomes all! Want to come ride with us?
If your looking to purchase a new bike, check out the Bike Rack locations. They even have an eBay store for all you out-of-staters. Jim is the man {and mention my name}. He will set you up with a new ride.
Watch for Jim from the Bike Rack, soon to be tweetin' on TWITTER and FACEBOOKING! I'll keep you all posted when he's up and running.
Hey Jim, I'm looking to purchase a new helmet soon! I'm coming to you! RIDE ON!
Yay for a free tune-up. Now THAT is good customer service redemption!
Get you an LG helmet...one of the last companies with a you break it, we replace it policy. Totally saved my arse a couple years ago, cracked my helmet and got a replacement! Done deal.
Thanks for the tip Missy!
Way to snag som freebies. BTW did he call you or did you call him?
He called me! That't what I call customer service. The hubs is going shopping there this weekend. RIDE ON!
Does Jim have bikes for beginner ladies that have freakishly flexible hips and can no longer run? I'm so clueless in this department but I have some time. I am having trouble with the thought of not running so I figure I better have some stuff lined up.
How have you been? Sorry I've been away.
One of my dates with my wife was running in 15 degree weather with single digit wind chill -- a fifteen miler. That snow storm is sure brewing -- should be an interesting race! Frost bite is not worth it though, as those toes are needed for balance and to run!
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