AMAZING! is the only word to describe riding with Phil and his crew. April 16 was a day to remember not only because of our journey on the road because it marks another day closer to a destination of raising money for MS, part of the reason for Phil's trek across America.
Here are a few links to check out of articles and videos regarding the event:
The Amazing Race Host Rides for Awareness ~ York Times
Phil Rides Across America ~ Phil's website
Phils Video Blog ~ We are Day 20, also check out Day 21 No Opportunity Wasted, Mr. Suave (I took Greg to get his haircut)
Hosts Visit Combines Healthy Living, Kolaches ~ Lincoln Journal Star ~ I was the rider who arranged for the Kolache delivery. YUM!
I totally walked away in an extremely worn out body, but in a very euphoric state of mind about our day. I did not want it to end. As nasty as the winds were, was as perfect as the day was. I think what surprised me the most about riding with Phil and his crew was how friendly and open everybody was. It truly was like being with your best friends and family. There were lots of stories, laughter, hugs, kisses. Phil's dad John, shared story after story about adventures in his life. He is 67 years old and his latest accomplishments were running. He had completed several 1/2 marathons and in good time.
There really is so much to tell about our day and in no way can I share how it felt or what it meant in this post. Below are a few pictures I took, a couple were from the York Times. Enjoy!
This is my favorite picture of the day. Phil Keoghan is absolutely awesome and a person with a mission to live life every second of every day. L to R: Don, Stephanie (me), Phil Keoghan, and Ken. This was taken at the end of the ride.

The ride was challenging yet rewarding. Pushing our pedals 76.25 miles into horrible winds from Sutton to Lincoln, NE with Phil Koeghan, host of the Amazing Race, proved to be an experience of a lifetime.
Phil arrived in Sutton, NE with 1,700 miles on his legs as part of his journey across America raising money for MS. Phil intends to complete his ride in 40 days beginning in Los Angeles and ending in Philadelphia. Here is Phil on his arrival to the Sutton park to address the entire elementary school to spread the message of "No Opportunity Wasted".
From the get-go, Phil, his crew and his dad John (left) were like family. Very friendly, sharing stories and welcoming us into their journey as they travel from location to location.
After addressing the elementary students, the students formed a line on each side of the parking lot and off we went, led by Greg, the motorcycle pacer and Petr, the film crew on the back of the bike. The kids were fantastic and eager to cheer Phil on to trek across America to raise money for MS and awareness of cycling.
We are on our way. Phil looks better than he feels. He was very worn down and not feeling well, in which he blamed some of it on his icky water bottles and not hydrating properly the day before.
If you count, we started the ride with 5 Nebraska riders.
Greg drove a BMW which purred like a kitten. Greg is an ex California cop who now is the pacer for several marathons across the U.S.
Petr the "hot" camera dude was from Prague and bragged about the wonderful taste of kolaches to Phil. What else was there to do, but have an on demand delivery of Kolaches from Wilber, the Czech capital of the world. I had the kolaches delivered and as you can see below, Phil took the opportunity to not only nap in the grass, but eat a kolache as well.
John, Phil's dad enjoying a kolache.
The trek from Friend to Crete, approx 19 miles, I found to be pure he!!. I was to the point of wanting to "uncle" out as my quads were on fire from the continual push of 25+mph winds. I shouted a few "shiz" words (Phil wasn't nearby at this point) along with "urg's" and "argh's". If it was not for Ken, I don't know that I could've made it. Needless to say, I was more than delighted when we arrived in Crete for lunch. Ahhh! Break time, not to mention - I'm starving!
We are happy now! Refueled and ready to ride the last 25 miles into Lincoln. Only 15 more miles of nasty winds and then we should be home free. Phil is an awesome hugger BTW. :D
Heading out of Crete, Phil dropped us all. He moved like an animal on the bike. We caught up with him at the TV station in Lincoln for a group picture. L to R: John Keoghan (Phil's dad), Don, me, Phil Keoghan, Ken. Phil's bike needed some repair ~ because Greg, the moto dude, fell on it trying to save it from blowing over in the wind on the kolache drop. The derailer was bent and needed some TLC. They were kind enough to load up our bikes and give us a ride to the Bike Rack ~ where I lead rides from on Monday's and Thursday's ~ we left Phil's bike, and mine to be fixed.

L to R: Colleen, Greg, Petr, Phil, me, Don, Ken, John!
What a day! One day in my life I will never forget. Go Phil! You are amazing and your crew is awesome. Thanks!
Today's workout: 40 mile bike ride, 3 miles run, abs, weights. RUN ON!