Friday, February 22, 2008

I survived 14 Degrees

In a fury of frenzy, I ran outdoors to max out the time in my day. With the temperatures at a low of 14 degrees and addicted to training, I run 4.61 miles in objection to my son's "just skip it mom." Jeeze! Skip a workout? Are you kidding me? Not like I've done that before. Yeah right.

Dressed in long johns, running tights, underarmour, two sweatshirts and an ear warmer, I jog at quick paces, attacking hills that seemed to stretch for miles. Amidst the cold I purge my way up one hill and sprint down the next, my lungs burning from the freezing air. With burning lungs and sweaty hands, I fly up the driveway 40 minutes later with no time to spare.

With the MAX attitude, my boys and I are off again, running (by Forerunner this time) to wrestling practice and then to guitar lessons. As I look at my boys, my veins pumping with the exhileration of a great run, I thank God, that I am alive, well, have good kiddos, and things to do.

swimbikerun on....

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