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My Journey (triathlon)
Today I Will...Encourage individuals to participate in their lives
through learning, experience, and thinking big,
to change their world, their life, their future.
through learning, experience, and thinking big,
to change their world, their life, their future.
Hi. My name is Stephanie: Ironman 70.3 wannabe. Competitive by nature, strong-willed by genes and driven by time, I have developed this magnanimous passion for more. More than what I have, more than what I am, more than who I can be.
Being a risk taker with the attitude: “just do it” led me to this point. I am here as a mother, teacher, wife and individual. I knew I wanted to tackle the challenge of an Ironman 70.3 even before it was mentioned. Striving for a high level of excellence is a daily goal as I model for my children and students the ability to possess and choose the necessary skills leading to success.
It’s common to think that “one can’t do”, when all reality, “anyone can do”. Achieving any level of success requires an “I can” attitude. I get up at 4:00 in the morning to exercise because I can, not because I have to. On this premise,
I run…because I can.
I bike…because I can.
I swim…because I can.
I want to be a triathlete…because I can.
I want to encourage others…because I can…so they can.
I bike…because I can.
I swim…because I can.
I want to be a triathlete…because I can.
I want to encourage others…because I can…so they can.
My life goal is to be an endurance
athlete with a balanced life.
athlete with a balanced life.
My Cadence (bike)
My Plan of Action (POA) with fierce resolve is to:
- Complete an Ironman 70.3 in 2008.
- Be a model of discipline to the feat of a challenge.
- Spread the “I can” attitude.
- Encourage and coach the youth about what “can” be.
- Maximize the time I set aside for training.
- Make every moment with my family magnanimous in quality
- Dedicate any accomplishment and success to my family.
My Stroke (swim)
A weekend is forever to a hungry child as he/she waits for the most nutritious meal they will receive that day: school lunch. This hungry child will tend to experience difficulty in the classroom as their mind is not on learning, but on when they get to eat. To help fight this hunger, the Lincoln Food Bank has distributed over 600 backpacks each week to children in need. Each backpack is filled with enough food to provide 5-10 meals. The cost of a backpack is $150 a year. A lot less than what I will pay to compete in an Ironman 70.3 event.
To make difference, involving people from young to old, I am currently in the process of planning a bike ride promoting donations to the area Backpack Program. The ride will consist of various distances including a “wee ride” so children can participate to support their peers. My current goal is to raise enough funds to support 100 backpacks going home with children each week to feed their family. Timeline for the ride is in the Fall of 2008.
I am a "can do" thinker, "can do" doer, "can do" believer in all. I dare you to watch this video: 212 Degrees and start believing in what you can do too!