One of the things I
always do when I read the daily newspaper is check out the
Obituaries. Why? Because. Sad, but true. You just never know who you may know that has died and I want to make sure I pay my respects.
Perusing Sunday's obits, this one struck me as rather humorous [with all due respect]. Somewhat unlike a regular obituary. David Letterman humorous; do you think? [I italicized what I thought was funny]
Edie Ann (Pieper) Fisher was born on November 3, 1953 at Nebraska City. She sought better on October 6, 2008. A Memorial, or better yet, a WAKE will take place Sunday (10/19/08) at Big Sal's, 838 North 27th Street (27th & Vine) in Lincoln beginning at 12:30 p.m. or thereabouts. Refreshments will, for the most part, be provided. For those of you who knew and loved her, please join us in celebrating her all too short life. Memorials may be sent to her mother...[isn't she a cutie??]
We debated about going to Big Sal's [which is a pizza parlor, btw]. ;P
Running Report:
Sunday's run was pretty good! The distance from our backdoor to my dad's backdoor [at the local lake up the road] is 3.25 miles. I knocked out an 8:44 pace. John held that pace for the first 2 miles and then dropped off. And yes, I left my kiddo behind and kept on running.
:P It's safe here mid-morning other than potentially getting run over by a church driver or run down by a deer, so I wasn't too worried. Just as we were getting ready to go pick him up, about 10 minutes after my arrival, John was knocking on the door out of breath. He must've got a second wind and kicked it into some major kick-butt gear. I'm impressed. :)
We got up early this morning and all three of us lifted some weights decked out in PJ's and tennis shoes. [The beauty of working out at home.
:P] John and I did an upper body routine and Jake my 8 yr old did push ups, sit ups and pull ups. I'm looking into some different lifting programs, since 12 is the age where they want to and think they can MAX out. Wrongo! So I'm looking at a training class at the local Y and then continuing on with the Bigger, Faster, Stronger Program. Anybody have any experience with the
Bigger, Faster, Stronger Program?
Jake is done with Monday night soccer academy, so I'm back to my regular routine of teaching
spinning at the Y. YES!!!! I love
cycling [outdoor] and didn't get

my fill this summer because I spent so much time training for triathlons [running and swimming where I would normally be biking] and this fall focused on
running to stay in shape in between some longer weekend bike rides. So, I'm back to the saddle full time, but now the concentration will be on an indoor spinner. So, prior to class I needed to get in a 20 minute run. Time was running slim, so I laid some rubber running 2 miles in 16 minutes then kicked off a spin class to a "Mad Monday" workout consisting of intervals, a climb and then more intervals. I also subbed for the beginner spin class after mine. I feel great and it was the boost I needed to get the
animal back [after a 2+ week hiatus]. GRRRR!
I'm meeting with a cycling coach next week to train for the Triple Bypass, RAGBRAI, 5 days/500miles and potentially some road races. In there I have to fit my marathon training and I want to lift. I'm also thinking about fitting in some duathlons next summer so, it's going to be a busy year. Oh ya!
Check out
A Shirt That Races blog. It made its first race with Vickie in Michigan. Go Vickie! You can also read her race report here. If you'd like to participate, send me an email at nikemomof2[at]gmail[dot]com and I'll get you scheduled in.